
How to reduce your carbon footprint

When you book with Aharon you can be assured we’re doing everything possible to lower our carbon footprint and preserve the natural world through carbon-neutral tours. But more than that, we hope to inspire and encourage travellers to continue living their own low-carbon lifestyle and give you the tools and information you need to measure, reduce and offset your emissions. Here are 10 easy ways to lower your carbon footprint, be a more responsible traveller, and make travel a force for good.

Measure your emissions When you’re looking at reducing your carbon, it’s handy to know how much you emit. This calculator created by Carbon Footprint Ltd and RADsite Ltd considers factors like gas and electricity use in your home, car mileage, public transit usage, flights and more, to calculate your personal carbon footprint. Once you know your footprint, you can take action by becoming a climate-conscious consumer in all areas of your life.

Support climate-friendly tourism businesses As a traveller, you can support companies like Aharon and other tourism businesses which invest in projects that reduce and offset unavoidable emissions by purchasing carbon credits associated with a range of renewable energy projects. Lowering your carbon footprint helps reduce the impacts of climate change, such as sea levels rising and extreme weather events like bushfires, and creates a more sustainable, cleaner and better future for all.

Purchase carbon offsets Many small individual emission reduction activities together add up to a large total reduction. Carbon offsetting is one way you can manage your carbon emissions that you can’t eliminate entirely. You can find additional ways to purchase carbon offsets yourself, either through airlines when you book, or by doing your own research and purchasing directly through emission reduction projects.

Participate in peaceful protests Change happens when we stand together. Sign a petition or email your local MP in support of climate action. Pick up a placard in protest or join a peaceful show of support like the Global Climate Strike. Aharon Travel supported staff to take paid time off work to attend Global Climate Strike events in Australia and abroad.

Fly less often, stay for longer When you travel with us your trip is carbon neutral. But what about your transport to get to the start of the trip. While catching a train instead of a plane is preferable, we know you may need to fly to get to many of the destinations you want to explore. But even when you do need to hop on a flight, there are ways to minimise your footprint. Stay in a destination longer whenever you can and consider your options when it comes to getting around while you’re there.

Avoid taking internal flights Avoid taking internal flights when a train or bus is an option. Not only will you be helping the planet, taking the train or a bus is also cheaper and more convenient in most instances as well. Airports are usually located outside the city and require another journey to get to where you need to go. This add-on to your flight can be expensive and increases your overall travel time. If you arrive by train or bus, your arrival point is usually located downtown and much closer to where you’re staying.

Shop local, buy local, travel local Support locally owned businesses, hotels, restaurants,and other services when you travel. Eat local food and, drink local brands and brews wherever you are. Use public transport, hire a bike or walk where convenient – you’ll meet local people and get to know the place a lot better. Support local families, artists or small producers. Buying locally also reduces the impact you have on the environment as the products you’re buying haven’t travelled far from their place of origin.

Rethink single use plastic products Single-use plastic products aren’t just an environmental problem, their production is a leading cause of carbon emissions which contributes to global warming. The recycling process is also problematic as it uses lots of energy and lots of water as well. Protect our oceans and the environment by avoiding single-use plastics as much as possible. Say no to plastic bags and disposable cups and store your food in glass containers instead of plastic ones. Small changes can make a big difference.

Support initiatives when you get home After returning home think about how you can support programs and organisations, that are working to protect the welfare, culture and environment of where you’ve been lucky to visit. Consider supporting these programs financially when you get home.